Results for 'Juarez Romano Zimmermann'

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  1. O terceiro racionalismo: conscientização do sentimento de nova fundamentação do homem.Juarez Romano Zimmermann - 1976 - Porto Alegre: [Editora EMMA].
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    Feminismos con y más allá de Marx: lecturas acerca del trabajo de reproducción en las obras marxianas.Carla Romano Roth - 2023 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 31:310-333.
    En las décadas de 1970 y 1980, se dieron sendos debates entre marxismo y feminismo a través de las lecturas de intelectuales feministas socialistas, radicales y marxistas, con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre “la cuestión de la mujer” en el sistema capitalista. Estas escritoras pensaron el “trabajo” en las producciones de Marx y construyeron, primero, la categoría de “trabajo doméstico” y, después, la de “trabajo de reproducción”. Luego, en las primeras décadas del siglo XXI, surgieron nuevas lecturas feministas de los (...)
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    Philosophie und Religion.Jens Halfwassen, Markus Gabriel & Stephan Zimmermann (eds.) - 2011 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
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  4. Wortstruktur und Satzstruktur.Wolfgang Motsch & Ilse Zimmermann (eds.) - 1989 - Berlin: Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft.
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    Newspaper Metaphors: Reusing Metaphors Across Media Genres.M. Dolores Porto & Manuela Romano - 2013 - Metaphor and Symbol 28 (1):60-73.
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    The mental and subjective skin: Emotion, empathy, feelings and thermography.E. Salazar-López, E. Domínguez, V. Juárez Ramos, J. de la Fuente, A. Meins, O. Iborra, G. Gálvez, M. A. Rodríguez-Artacho & E. Gómez-Milán - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 34:149-162.
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    The Cost of Birth Defects: Estimates of the Value of Protection.Norman Waitzman, Richard M. Scheffler & Patrick S. Romano - 1996 - Upa.
    This book uses an incidence approach to look at the economic repercussions of birth defects. The authors investigate eighteen of the most clinically significant birth defects affecting 35,000 newborns each year in our country. Their assessments suggest that the annual cost of these eighteen birth defects, together, is more than eight billion dollars . The authors describe in detail their methodology and data sources while providing thorough accounts of each of the eighteen birth defects. Waitzman, Scheffler, and Romano break (...)
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    Sappiamo ancora riconoscere il male?: riflessioni sul male fra scienza, filosofia e teologia.Paolo Ribet & Giovanni Romano (eds.) - 2023 - Torino: Claudiana.
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    Processing speed enhances model-based over model-free reinforcement learning in the presence of high working memory functioning.Daniel J. Schad, Elisabeth Jünger, Miriam Sebold, Maria Garbusow, Nadine Bernhardt, Amir-Homayoun Javadi, Ulrich S. Zimmermann, Michael N. Smolka, Andreas Heinz, Michael A. Rapp & Quentin J. M. Huys - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:117016.
    Theories of decision-making and its neural substrates have long assumed the existence of two distinct and competing valuation systems, variously described as goal-directed vs. habitual, or, more recently and based on statistical arguments, as model-free vs. model-based reinforcement-learning. Though both have been shown to control choices, the cognitive abilities associated with these systems are under ongoing investigation. Here we examine the link to cognitive abilities, and find that individual differences in processing speed covary with a shift from model-free to model-based (...)
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    Analysing the impact of green consumption values on brand responses and behavioural intention.Marcello Risitano, Rosaria Romano, Giuseppe La Ragione & Michele Quintano - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):1096-1112.
    Environmental sustainability is an increasingly important issue for many business and social actors. This has led many scholars to research the effects of this phenomenon from various points of view trying to understand whether green attitudes can influence consumer behaviours in sustaining consumer–brand relationships. Accordingly, this paper aims to explore the impact of green consumer values on consumer–brand relationships in driving intentional behaviour. The authors developed an empirical study based on a research framework with six latent variables and 43 manifest (...)
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    The lattice of envy-free many-to-many matchings with contracts.Agustin G. Bonifacio, Nadia Guiñazú, Noelia Juarez, Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 2023 - Theory and Decision 96 (1):113-134.
    We study envy-free allocations in a many-to-many matching model with contracts in which agents on one side of the market (doctors) are endowed with substitutable choice functions and agents on the other side of the market (hospitals) are endowed with responsive preferences. Envy-freeness is a weakening of stability that allows blocking contracts involving a hospital with a vacant position and a doctor that does not envy any of the doctors that the hospital currently employs. We show that the set of (...)
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  12. Blackwell Companion to Semantics.Lisa Matthewson, Cécile Meier, Hotze Rullman & Thomas Ede Zimmermann (eds.) - 2020 - Wiley.
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    Language and Arithmetic: A Failure to Find Cross Cognitive Domain Semantic Priming Between Exception Phrases and Subtraction or Addition.Golnoush Ronasi, Martin H. Fischer & Malte Zimmermann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Choreography of Group Affiliation.Jorina von Zimmermann, Staci Vicary, Matthias Sperling, Guido Orgs & Daniel C. Richardson - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):80-94.
    Dance provides natural conditions for studying relationships between coordination patterns and human experience. von Zimmermann and colleagues investigate whether relatively simple or more complex forms of movement coordination are related to pro‐social experiences during group dance. They find that pro‐social experience depends on the degree to which movement patterns are distributed and diversified, but not the degree to which movement patterns are simply unitary.
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    Reimagining the Sacred: Richard Kearney Debates God with James Wood, Catherine Keller, Charles Taylor, Julia Kristeva, Gianni Vattimo, Simon Critchley, Jean-Luc Marion, John Caputo, David Tracey, Jens Zimmermann, and Merold Westphal.Richard Kearney & Jens Zimmermann (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary conversations about religion and culture are framed by two reductive definitions of secularity. In one, multiple faiths and nonfaiths coexist free from a dominant belief in God. In the other, we deny the sacred altogether and exclude religion from rational thought and behavior. But is there a third way for those who wish to rediscover the sacred in a skeptical society? What kind of faith, if any, can be proclaimed after the ravages of the Holocaust and the many religion-based (...)
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  16. Proceed with Caution.Annette Zimmermann & Chad Lee-Stronach - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy (1):6-25.
    It is becoming more common that the decision-makers in private and public institutions are predictive algorithmic systems, not humans. This article argues that relying on algorithmic systems is procedurally unjust in contexts involving background conditions of structural injustice. Under such nonideal conditions, algorithmic systems, if left to their own devices, cannot meet a necessary condition of procedural justice, because they fail to provide a sufficiently nuanced model of which cases count as relevantly similar. Resolving this problem requires deliberative capacities uniquely (...)
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    Interview With Claude Romano.Ruslan Loshakov & Claude Romano - 2017 - Horizon-Fenomenologicheskie Issledovaniya 6 (1):241-264.
    What is the event? How the phenomenology of event is possible if the "event" is not the phenomenon in the classical meaning of this word? French philosopher Claude Romano discusses these questions with his Russian colleague Ruslan Loshakov. The interlocutors consider the concept of event in different contexts, paying special attention to the relationships which connect the phenomenology of event with Husserl, Bergson, Heidegger and Levinas' ideas.
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  18. Hermenéutica de las Ideas. De Platon a Ockham, pasando por Filon y San Agustin.Agustín Uña Juárez - 1989 - Ciudad de Dios 202 (1):173-230.
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    Crítica reticente Prolegómenos para una teoría crítica en tiempos poscríticos.Esteban Alejandro Juárez - 2024 - Aisthesis 76:40-61.
    Volver objeto temático la herencia de la teoría crítica es interrogar nuevamente por la capacidad de discernimiento de la praxis humana que se ejerce bajo el supuesto de que algo existente no debería ser como es, porque se han incumplido sus aspiraciones normativas o porque ellas mutan en dispositivos de control. Al mismo tiempo, la pregunta enfática por la crítica implica algo diferente al examen de los criterios de legitimidad de los distintos saberes críticos y su relación con el poder. (...)
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    Múltiplos olhares sobre educação e cultura; Multiple perspectives on education and culture.Juarez Dayrell - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Lukács e a emigração na URSS (1933-1945).Juarez Torres Duayer - 2020 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 26 (1):96-105.
    Resumo: Os escritos estéticos de Lukács durante a emigração na URSS constituem uma súmula de seu posicionamento contra o despotismo stalinista e a ortodoxia soviética. A despeito das “autocríticas protocolares”, os textos expressam a crítica interdita pelo dogmatismo e o sectarismo característicos do período e irão repercutir a preocupação do autor de que a Estética e Para uma Ontologia do Ser Social, fossem consideradas como sua contribuição à urgência da construção de um projeto de renovação e renascimento do marxismo.
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    A substancial inconstitucionalidade da lei injusta.Juarez Freitas - 1989 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil: Editora da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul.
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    Formas del Estado de Derecho y delimitación del derecho al Buen Gobierno.Mercedes Galán Juárez - 2010 - Arbor 186 (745):901-915.
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    De relato a reflexión en el problema del yo Para leer las Confesiones de San Agustín.Agustín Uña Juárez - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:211-244.
    Las Confesiones de San Agustín son una obra muy peculiar. Lectores e investigadores convienen en ello. No es fácil ‘definir’ ni comprender ese escrito. El presente estudio intenta una aproximación a su contenido mediante un examen de ciertos rasgos característicos de la obra que derivan de su propia singularidad. Y denunciamos también algunos impedimentos de comprensión y lectura. Confiemos en que esta mirada pueda ofrecer una guía inicial, pero orientadora, a la misma. Además, el estudio formal y temático revela una (...)
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    La velocidad de los cuerpos: mercado, distopía y desecho en Los días de la peste, de Edmundo Paz Soldán.Jesús Montoya Juárez - 2019 - Co-herencia 16 (30).
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    Paul Wilperts philosophische Schriften.Albert Zimmermann - 1968 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 50 (1-2):8-11.
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    Crime: crença e realidade.Juarez Tavares - 2021 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: da Vinci.
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    San Agustín: belleza, música e historia.«Un admirable cántico».Agustín Uña Juárez - 1998 - Augustinus 43 (168-69):107-128.
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    Alumnos con discapacidad.Miriam Viridiana Verástegui Juárez & Crisina Broglia Feitosa de Lacerda - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1189-1212.
    Alumnos con discapacidad: modelo de inclusión de la Universidad Federal de San Carlos Resumen: El objetivo fue describir cómo funciona el programa de inclusión para alumnos con discapacidad en la Universidad Federal de San Carlos, en Brasil. Es una investigación cualitativa con análisis del discurso de cuatro entrevistas semiestructuradas con alumnos con discapacidad, investigadores especialistas y gestores. Los principales resultados muestran que no es suficiente trabajar sobre los ejes de atención a estos estudiantes sino se analizan y evalúan las funciones (...)
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    Criminal Disenfranchisement and the Concept of Political Wrongdoing.Annette Zimmermann - 2019 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 47 (4):378-411.
    Disagreement persists about when, if at all, disenfranchisement is a fitting response to criminal wrongdoing of type X. Positive retributivists endorse a permissive view of fittingness: on this view, disenfranchising a remarkably wide range of morally serious criminal wrongdoers is justified. But defining fittingness in the context of criminal disenfranchisement in such broad terms is implausible, since many crimes sanctioned via disenfranchisement have little to do with democratic participation in the first place: the link between the nature of a criminal (...)
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    Introduction to semantics: an essential guide to the composition of meaning.Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
    This textbook introduces undergraduate students of language and linguistics to the basic ideas, insights, and techniques of contemporary semantic theory. The book starts with everyday observations about word meaning and use and then gradually zooms in on the question of how speakers manage to meaningfully communicate with phrases, sentences, and texts they have never come across before. Extensive English examples provide ample illustration.
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    Whats in two names?Zimmermann Thomas Ede - 2005 - Journal of Semantics 22 (1):53-96.
    As first pointed out by Saul, the co-referential names in sentences like and defy substitution _salva veritate_: Clark Kent went into the phone booth, and Superman came out. I never made it to Karl-Marx-Stadt, but I visited Chemnitz last year. This paper elaborates and compares two solutions to Saul's substitution problem, both of which turn on an asymmetry between names that share their bearers. According to the first solution there is a semantic distinction between neutral names and restricted names. According (...)
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    Glasverarbeitung im frühmittelalterlichen Nordund Osteuropa.Martin Zimmermann - 2014 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 47 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Frühmittelalterliche Studien Jahrgang: 47 Heft: 1 Seiten: 53-86.
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    Temporary Basic Income in Times of Pandemic: Rationale, Costs and Poverty-Mitigation Potential.Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez, María Montoya-Aguirre & George Gray Molina - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (2):125-154.
    The pandemic has exposed the costs of job and income losses. Emergency cash transfers can mitigate the worst immediate effects on people who lack access to safety nets. This research note provides estimates for a potential Temporary Basic Income for poor and near-poor people across 132 developing countries, as well as the minimum cost of income support sufficient to mitigate the pandemic-induced poverty increase. The total monthly cost of the TBI ranges 0.27–0.63% of developing countries’ combined GDP, depending on the (...)
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    RESEÑA de : Gómez Sánchez, Carlos; Aranguren, José Luis. Filosofía y vida intelectual. Madrid : UNED : Trotta, 2010.Juan Antonio Ruescas Juárez - 2011 - Endoxa 28:335.
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  36. Antiqua et mediaevalia. Sobre el significado teorico del platonismo en la historia del pensamiento.Agustín Uña Juárez - 1990 - Ciudad de Dios 203 (1):143-187.
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  37. Vigencia medieval de San Agustin o las razones de un clasico.A. Uña Juárez - 1987 - Ciudad de Dios 200 (2-3):525-575.
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  38. Perspectivas del precedente en el Civil Law: un estudio introductorio.Sandra Gómora-Juárez, Edith Cuautle Rodríguez, Enrique Rodríguez-Trujano & Alvaro Nunez-Vaquero - 2024 - Boletín Mexicano de Derecho Comparado 56 (168):3-26.
    El artículo ofrece un panorama del precedente en el Civil Law con el objetivo de distinguir los problemas que pueden presentarse en los sistemas jurídicos que tienen una práctica formal o institucionalizada de precedente, de aquellos en los que no la hay. Se identificó que se introdujo el precedente como una forma de responder a las crecientes demandas de administración de justicia en la materia y delimitar la discrecionalidad del operador jurídico. Por tanto, la tesis de fondo de este trabajo (...)
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  39. Robert Zimmermanns Philosophische Propädeutik und die Vorlagen aus der Wissenschaftslehre Bernard Bolzanos: eine Dokumentation zur Geschichte des Denkens u. d. Erziehung in d. Donaumonarchie.Eduard Winter, Robert Zimmermann & Bernard Bolzano (eds.) - 1975 - Wien: Verl. d. Österr. Akad. d. Wiss..
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    The administrative state.Mario I. Juarez-Garcia & David Schmidtz - 2021 - Social Philosophy and Policy 38 (1):1-5.
    There has always been a tension, in theory, between the public accountability and the professional efficiency of the agencies of the administrative state. How has that tension been handled? What would it be like for it to be well handled?
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    Power and responsibility: a course of action for the new age.Romano Guardini - 1961 - Chicago: Regnery.
    This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections (...)
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    Reproducibilidad de un proyecto didáctico para la adquisición de vocabulario académico en estudiantes de secundaria.Karina Hess Zimmermann & Mariana Alejandra Núñez Rodríguez Wyler - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-25.
    Investigaciones previas muestran que existe una importante relación entre la capacidad de los estudiantes para realizar una descomposición morfológica de las palabras y sus habilidades para adquirir vocabulario. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar la reproducibilidad de un proyecto didáctico en torno a la descomposición de palabras como estrategia para adquirir vocabulario en estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria. Participó un grupo experimental cuyas habilidades de descomposición morfológica se compararon en un pre y post-test con las de un grupo (...)
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  43. Hago luego existo: las palabras y los actos de la psicología social.Adriana Gil Juárez, Joel Feliu I. Samuel-Lajeunesse & Luz María Martínez Martínez - 2007 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (27):199-204.
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    San Agustín: inferioridad reflexividad y certeza.Agustín Uña Juárez - 2001 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 8:31-52.
    Este artículo investiga dos problemas principales en los conocidos argumentos de San Agustín en pro de la certeza, contra los escépticos. En realidad, son más bien dos niveles de una misma cuestión "metodológica": la interioridad del conocimiento y la reflexión, como vía de certeza. Conclusión principal de este estudio es que ambas dimensiones son correlativas: la reflexión supone interioridad, N la interioridad exige reflexión, como ría de certeza. La última parte del artículo examina la doctrina agustiniana de la reflexión, en (...)
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    Religión e historia en los ensayos de Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio.Juan Antonio Ruescas Juárez - 2012 - Isegoría 47:541-558.
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  46. Equality, political order and ethics: Hobbes and the systematics of democratic rationality.Rolf Zimmermann & Maeve Cooke - 1988 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 14 (3-4):339-358.
  47. Conocimiento estético e interioridad. La visio mentis.Agustín Uña Juárez - 1997 - Studium 37 (3):435-452.
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    Sobre el estatuto epistemológico de la sociología de la comunicación humana.Octavio Uña Juárez - 1987 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 14:201-246.
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    Comparing two pioneers of development ethics: Louis-Joseph Lebret and Denis Goulet.Montserrat des GasperCulebro Juárez - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (2):260-278.
    ABSTRACT This paper discusses the respective contributions to development ethics made by Louis-Joseph Lebret (1897–1966) and his pupil and successor Denis Goulet (1931–2006). Sections 2 and 3 present steps in the emergence of a field of development ethics, and introduce the work of Lebret and Goulet, noting similarities and contrasts. Sections 4 and 5 clarify different senses and forms of ‘development ethics’, to then discuss who might be called ‘father of development ethics’. Lebret had devised a field of human economics (...)
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  50. Multi-field and Bohm’s theory.Davide Romano - 2020 - Synthese (11):29 June 2020.
    In the recent literature, it has been shown that the wave function in the de Broglie–Bohm theory can be regarded as a new kind of field, i.e., a "multi-field", in three-dimensional space. In this paper, I argue that the natural framework for the multi-field is the original second-order Bohm’s theory. In this context, it is possible: i) to construe the multi-field as a real-valued scalar field; ii) to explain the physical interaction between the multi-field and the Bohmian particles; and iii) (...)
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